Whoops Caitlin with a C

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Kaitlin Clark: pretty classy chick!

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Chris, you covered the best sports moments you've witnessed. What about the best sports *performances* you've witnessed? Could be for one player's dominance or sheer athleticism or delivering in the big moment or whatever.

My top one might be Allen Iverson's first appearance as a Hoya in McDonough Gym. (Were you there , too?)

Yes, it was just an exhibition game against not-so-mighty Fort Hood. But oh my goodness. No one knew exactly what to expect. He had just been granted clemency. He hadn't played in two years. And this was well before we had YouTube highlights. All we had were stories.

And then he came off the bench and lit the place up. 28 in the first half. Dunks, threes, everything. He was so incredibly fast. I'll never forget it.


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That Payton Manning bit still makes me laugh hysterically. Beyond funny...............

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Chris - ever think of offering a bundled subscription for the Replay and So What?

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As an SNL superfan, I loved this!

The Michael Jordan episode is an all-time classic. It's SNL at its absolute peak.

The Rock's first appearance on SNL changed his life, as it opened a lot of eyes to Hollywood and helped lead to his movie career. It was crazy to see Lorne essentially turn his show over to the WWF, but wrestling was HOT then.

The scuttlebutt was Stone Cold Steve Austin was supposed to host the next year, but Lorne was furious that an XFL overrun pushed back a heavily hyped Jennifer Lopez overrun.

Let's not forget Jonny Moseley, perhaps the most obscure SNL host ever. He was picked to piggyback on the Winter Olympics in 2002....only he didn't even medal. Oops!


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Who doesn’t love Saturday Night Live through the years ? Love reconnecting with sports 🏀

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What an ingenious and wonderful way to start the week! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

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